Product update: First version of analytics

Product update: First version of analytics

In our mission to create a place, where marketing teams will easily store and gather all information, files and materials, with respect to the structure of marketing activities, we were not able to miss, that there’s another very important part – the...
Product update: New dashboards

Product update: New dashboards

As we get feedback that we are serving the campaign level planning and evaluation well (though there will always be space for improvements and new ideas, which we have plenty of), it is time to reallocate at least part of the focus on company level/global level...
Product update: Campaign plan now with details

Product update: Campaign plan now with details

Our campaign plan with Gantt chart received a warm welcome, but as per requests of our users, we immediately jumped to work on improvements. To maintain visibility and transparency of each step on the campaign level marketing team needs to be aware of specific steps...
Product update: Campaign plan and evaluation

Product update: Campaign plan and evaluation

We know that except execution, there are two crucial parts to any campaign – properly plan all channels and evaluate results. What’s new? Campaign plan with Gantt chartCampaign evaluation Campaign plan with Gantt chart When you are planning a campaign,...